March 29, 2025
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Animal Genetics & Breeding


Deaprtment of Animal Genetics & Breeding

The need for research work in the discipline of Animal Genetics and Breeding for improving the genetic potential of livestock was felt by the U.P. Government in the State, even before the establishment of College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Mathura. The State government established the Animal Genetics section of Livestock Research Station at State Livestock cum Agriculture Farm, Mathura in the year 1945 and Late Dr. R. B. Singh, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Edinburgh), a student of Noble laureate, Dr. H. J. Muller and Dr. J. L. Lush, was appointed as the first Animal Geneticist to the U.P. government. Since the inception of College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Mathura in the year 1947, the office of Animal Genetics to the College to integrate teaching, research and extension programmes in Animal Genetics and Breeding.

The present department was established in the year 1952 and thereafter, M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. programmes were started in the year 1956 and 1962, respectively. Since inception, Department has executed several research projects. The Non-Plan schemes of U.P. State Govt. Undertaken by the department were Artificial Insemination Scheme, Heritability of Economic Characters of Cattle and Buffaloes, Statistical Study of Livestock Production, Management and Intensification of Research in Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Scheme for Progeny Testing of Hariana and Murrah bulls for Genetic Improvement of Cattle and Buffaloes in U.P. and Poultry Research Scheme at Chakgangaria, Lucknow.

ICAR and U.P. State Govt also funded some other research schemes from time to time. Salient among them were All India Coordinated Research Project on Poultry for Eggs, Reciprocal Recurrent Selection in Poultry, Characterization and Conservation of Bhadawari buffalo and Conservation and multiplication of Bhadawari buffalo through Cryo-preservation of semen.

Based on Progeny Testing Scheme, selected superior Hariana and Murrah bulls were supplied to Animal Husbandry Department which played significant role in increasing milk production in the State. A new semen dilutor (named as D2) was evolved for the preservation of Hariana and Murrah semen. The level of exotic inheritance in crossbreds for their adaptability in Indian conditions was proposed as 62.5% in 1958, which was recognized all over the country. Under the AICRP and ICAR research schemes on poultry for eggs, three strains of White Leghorn were reported to be suitable in this agro-climatic condition.

Under crossbreeding scheme of U.P. State, HF X Hariana crossbred cows produced at Dairy Farm was supplied in the surrounding villages to increase milk production. Under NATP on “Characterization and Conservation of Bhadawari Buffalo”, twenty-six bull calves were selected and maintained in the department. After observing the semen quality, frozen semen was supplied to Semen Bank of NBAGR, Karnal and 24 bulls were supplied to the Department of Animal Husbandry for the conservation of Bhadawari buffaloes in its native tract.

Biostatistics and Computer Application Section of the Department takes care of teaching of all the courses and also assist and guide postgraduate students in research data analysis. Periodically, depending on the requirement, Computer Literacy Programmes for University and wards of weaker section of the employees are also arranged from time to time.

Training programmes on Elementary Computer Education to Veterinary University Staff” funded by University w.e.f 16 August 2003 to 30 September 2003, 20 March 2007 to 6 June 2007, 20 August 2007 to 19 September 2007 and 01 to 10 March, 2017 were conducted. Organized a training Programme on “Data Analysis using SAS” under NAIP project on “Strengthening Statistical Computing for NARS” funded by IASRI, New Delhi from 16-21 May, 2011. Department also organized two day State level Seminar on “Challenges and Strategies for Conservation of Small Ruminants in India” and a Poster Presentation Competition on “Conservation of threatened breeds of livestock in India” on 9-10th October, 2013. Another training programme on Elementary Computer Education to University Staff” funded by University is due to be start from 16 March till 25 March, 2017.

Department is actively involved in research work on association studies of polymorphic genes with economically important traits. Since the inception of Veterinary University from 2001, research work has been conducted on studies of Influence of genetic and non-genetic factors on economic traits, characterization and preservation of semen, genetic and phenotypic studies of economic traits, sire evaluation studies and selection indices, genetic resistance of Jamunapari and Barbari goats to natural infection with gastro-intestinal nematodes, molecular characterization of Casein polymorphism in Indian goat breeds- Schematic representation of the (goat ás1-casein-encoding gene) CSN1S1 gene and of the artiodactyla retroposons observed in cattle and goat, conservation of Bhadawari buffalo, studies on MHC haplotyping in guinea fowl and its association with general immunocompetence, assessing genetic diversity among some livestock species through DNA markers, leptin gene polymorphism in Indian goat breeds, immunocompetence profiling and DNA polymorphism in disease resistance genes in Aseel and Kadaknath native chickens, study of PIT-1 gene polymorphism in Sahiwal cattle by using PCR-RFLP, genetic architecture of DRD3 gene in crossbred cattle, genetic polymorphism of Prolactin and Leptin gene and their association with production and reproduction traits in Sahiwal cattle in India, genetic polymorphism in prolactin receptor (PRLR) and growth hormone receptor (GHR) gene in Sahiwal and Hariana cattle, molecular characterization and polymorphic studies of Secreted phosphoprotein 1 (SPP1) gene in Indian cattle.



undertaken by the Department:

Courses (As per New VCI curriculum)

Course Title Course No. Credit Hours
Biostatistics & Computer Application AGB-111 2+1
Principles of Animal Genetics and Population Genetics AGB-121 2+1
Livestock & Poultry Breeding AGB-211 2+1

2. M.V.Sc. Courses

Course No. Credit Hrs
Animal Cytogenetics and Immunogenetics AGB601 2+1
Molecular Genetics in Animal Breeding AGB602 2+1
Population and Quantitative Genetics in Animal Breeding AGB603 2+1
Selection Methods and Breeding Systems AGB-604 3+1
Biometrical Techniques in Animal Breeding AGB-605 3+1
Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources AGB-606 2+0
Cattle and Buffalo Breeding AGB607 2+1
Small Farm Animal Breeding AGB-608 2+0
Poultry Breeding AGB-609 2+1
Laboratory Animal Breeding AGB610 1+0
Master’s Seminar AGB-691 1+0

3. Other Courses offered by the Department for PG and PhD 

Course No. Credit Hrs
Experimental Design BST-512 2+1
Sampling Techniques BST-513 2+1
Statistical Methods for Applied Sciences BST-511 3+1
Methods for Applied Sciences
BST-501 2+0
Intellectual Property Right and Management in Agriculture PGS-503 1+0

4. PhD Courses

Course No. Credit Hrs
Recent Advances In Animal Genetics AGB-701 2+0
Recent Trends In Animal Breeding AGB-702 2+0
Advances In Biometrical Genetics AGB-703 2+1
Advances In Selection Methodology AGB-704 2+1
Bioinformatics In Animal Genetics And Breeding AGB-705 2+0
Advances In Molecular Cytogenetics AGB-706 2+0
Utilization Of Non-Additive Genetic Variance In Farm
AGB-707 2+1
Doctoral Seminar –I AGB-791 1+0
Doctoral Seminar –II AGB-792 1+0

5. M.Sc. Biotechnology Courses taught by the Department

Course No. Credit Hrs
Concepts and Methods in Molecular Biology BT-102 1 + 1
Molecular Genetics BT-201 2 + 1
Statistical Techniques BT-205 1 + 1

Manuals Prepared by the Department:

1. Biostatistics & Computer Application (AGB-111) NEW VCI

2. Principles of Animal Genetics and Population Genetics (AGB-121) NEW VCI

3. Livestock & Poultry Breeding (AGB-211) NEW VCI

4. Concepts and Methods in Molecular Biology (BT-102)

5. Molecular Genetics (BT-201)

6. Statistical Techniques (BT-205)

Research Projects:

  1. Association between polymorphisms of Solute carrier 27A1 (SLC27A1) genes with milk production traits in Sahiwal and Hariana cattle. (University funded)
  2. Association between polymorphisms of Interleukin-2 (IL-2) and Signal transducers & activators of transcription 5 (STAT5) genes with milk production traits in Sahiwal and Hariana cattle. (University funded)
  3. “Conservation and Genetic Improvement of Muzaffarnagari Sheep for Multiplication of Superior Germplasm” under the sponsorship of Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India



Following research papers published in International journals of repute have citations in different research articles.

  1. Singh, S. P.,  Priya Kumari,  Rohit Kumar,  Mamta Negi,  Sharma, S. K.,  Manali Gangwar, Subodh Kumar, Abhijit Mitra. (2014). Molecular characterization and phylogeny based analysis of complete coding sequence of myostatin (MSTN) gene in Indian goat breeds. Small Ruminant Research, 116(2): 100-110. (NAAS IF: 7.08).
  2. Kumar R, Singh SP, Kumari P, Mitra A. (2014). Small interfering RNA (siRNA) mediated knock-down of myostatin caused accompanying changes in expression of myogenic regulatory factors in caprine fetal myoblasts. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 172(3): 1714-1724. (NAAS IF: 7.61).
  3. Jamuna Valsalan, Chakravarty A.K., Patil C.S., Dash S., Mahajan A., Kumar Vijay and Vohra Vikas.( 2014). Enhancing milk and fertility performances using selection index developed for Indian Murrah buffalo. Tropical Animal Health and Production 46: 967–974. (NAAS IF: 6.98).
  4. Pushp Raj Shivahre, A.K. Gupta, A. Panmei, M. Bhakat, V. Kumar, S.K. Dash, S. Dash and A. Upadhyay. (2014). Mortality pattern of Murrah buffalo males in an organized herd. Veterinary World. 7(5): 356-359. (NAAS IF: 5.71).
  5. Pushp Raj Shivahre, A.K. Gupta, A. Panmei, B. R. Yadav, M. Bhakat, T. K. Mohanty, A. Kumareson, V. Kumar, S.K. Dash and S. Singh. (2015). Relationship of conventional and fluorescent microscopic technique to assess in vitro semen quality status of Murrah buffalo males. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research. 16 (4): 363-367. (NAAS IF: 6.28).
  6. Shilpi Dixit, Vijay Pandey, Dilip Kumar Swain, Rajesh Nigam, Ambika Sharma, Deepak Sharma, Atul Saxena and Pawanjit Singh. (2016). Seminal plasma and sperm membrane proteins of buffalo and cattle bulls: A comparative study. Buffalo Bulletin. Vol 35, No.3, 437-441. (NAAS IF: 6.12).
  7. Vijay Kumar and A.K. Chakravarty. (2016). Test-day genetic analysis of Murrah buffalo sires for milk production. Buffalo Bulletin 35(1): 59-64. (NAAS IF: 6.12).
  8. Vijay Kumar and A.K. Chakravarty. (2016). Evaluation of breeding values Murrah buffalo bulls under organized farms. Buffalo Bulletin 35(3): 371-377. (NAAS IF: 6.12).
  9. Jamuna Valsalan, A.K. Chakravarty, Vijay Kumar, M.A. Mir and Vikas Vohra. (2016). Standardizing pregnancy rate of Indian Murrah buffaloes for higher milk yield. Buffalo Bulletin 35(1) 109-119. (NAAS IF: 6.12).
  10. Kumar A.; Vijayakumar P.; Gandhale P.N.; Ranaware P.B.; Sudhakar S.B.; Kumar H.; Kulkarni D.D.; Raut A.A.; and Mishra A. (2016). Genome wide differential host response to highly or low pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus infection in ducks. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 45S (2016) 1–477. (Impact Factor: 2.229) (NAAS IF: 9.20).
  11. Lamba H., Pal A., Sharma D., Tiwari M., Singh S.P. and Pandey V. (2017). Polymorphism studies of Kappa-casein (κ-CN), Beta-lactoglobulin (β-Lg) and DRB3 genes in Indian Murrah buffalo. International Journal of Livestock Research. 7(9): 140-147. (NAAS IF: 5.36)
  12. Tiwari M., Sharma D., Singh S.P. and Goel R. (2017). Association between polymorphisms of solute carrier 27 A1 gene with milk production traits in Indian Sahiwal and Hariana cattle. International Journal of Livestock Research. 7(6): 219-224. (NAAS IF: 5.36)
  13. Pushp Raj Shivahre, A.K. Gupta, A. Panmei, A.K. Chakravarty, M. Bhakat, S.K. Dash, S.K. Sahoo, V. Kumar and M. Singh. (2017). Effect of nongenetic factors on semen production characteristics of Murrah buffalo bulls at organized semen station. Buffalo Bulletin 36(1): 115-122. (NAAS IF: 6.12).
  14. Kumar A.; Vijayakumar P.; Gandhale P. N.;  Ranaware P. B.;  Kulkarni D.D.; Raut A. A.; and  Misha A. (2017). Genome wide gene expression pattern underlying differential host response to highly or low pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus in ducks. Acta Virologica 61: 66 – 76. (NAAS IF: 6.70)
  15. Kumar S., Sharma D., Singh S.P., Tiwari M., Goel R. (2018). Study of genetic Polymorphism in leptin exon 3 Region and its Association with Milk Production and Reproduction Traits in Indian Sahiwal cattle. International Journal of Livestock Research 8(8): 43-50. (NAAS IF: 5.36).
  16. Amit Baranwal, Neerasa Govardhana Sagar, Pruthviraj D R, Babu Lal Saini, Satish Kumar, Avneesh Kumar. (2018). Effect of Environmental Factors on Production and Reproduction Traits of Vrindavani Cattle. International Journal of Livestock Research. 8(6): 113-122. (NAAS IF: 5.36).
  17. Kumar R, Singh SP, Mitra A. (2018). Short-hairpin mediated myostatin knockdown resulted in altered expression of myogenic regulatory factors with enhanced myoblast proliferation in fetal myoblast cells of goats. Animal Biotechnology, 29 (1):59-67. (NAAS IF: 6.63).
  18. Devendra Kumara, Brijesh Yadav, Soumen Choudhury, Priyambada Kumari, Arun Kumar Madan, Satyendra Pal Singh, P. K. Rout, N. Ramchandran and Sarvajeet Yadav. (2018). Evaluation of adaptability to different seasons in goat breeds of semi-arid region in India through differential expression pattern of heat shock protein genes. Biological Rhythm Research, 49(3): 466-478. (NAAS IF: 6.91)


  • Imparting high quality education in the subject of Animal Genetics and Breeding.
  • Undertaking basic and applied research in the field of Population Genetics, Conservation       and Molecular Genetics.



  • PIT-1/HinfI polymorphism was observed in Sahiwal cattle and A allele was significantly associated with total milk yield and milk yield at 300 days.
  • PRL/RsaI polymorphism has been detected in Sahiwal cattle.
  • ABCG2/PstI PCR-RFLP assay revealed monomorphic pattern in screened samples of Sahiwal and Hariana cattle breed.
  •  No polymorphism was observed in 857 bp PRL 5′ upstream region using HaeIII/PCR-RFLP assay in sahiwal cattle.
  • SmlI/PCR-RFLP assay indicated polymorphism in Sahiwal and Hariana cattle for prolactin receptor (PRLR) gene.
  •  Kappa Casein (K-Cs/HinfI) and Beta lactoglobulin (B-Lg/HaeIII) genes were found to be polymorphic in Hariana and Sahiwal cattle while monomorphic in Murrah buffalo. B (K-Cs/HinfI) and A (B-Lg/HaeIII) alleles were significantly associated with higher milk yield and can be utilized as genetic marker in marker assisted selection.
  • Secreted Phosphoprotein 1 (SPP1) gene has been characterized (837 bp) in Hariana cattle breed of India. SPP1CDS sequence of Hariana cattle was found 99.5% similar with Indian Vechur cattle breed and 99.6-99.9 % with other exotic cattle breeds at nucleotide level.
  • Monomorphic pattern was observed in SPP1/BsrI PCR-RFLP assay in intron IV region (C<T) in all the screened Hariana and Sahiwal cattle population with only TT genotype.
  •  Monomorphic pattern was also observed in SPP1/HpyCH4IV PCR-RFLP assay in Exon 7 region (G<T), means restriction cut site was absent in this region. Only TT genotype was found in all the screened Hariana and Sahiwal cattle population.



The department is having a Computer Laboratory and a Molecular Genetics Laboratory with the following basic equipments such as Gel electrophoresis unit, Centrifuge, pH meter, Digital Weighing balance, Thermocycler



In “Conservation and Genetic improvement of Muzaffarnagari sheep for multiplication of superior germplasm” Project, initially nucleus herd was created by purchasing 40 healthy sheep (30 female and 10 male) of age between 12-18 months with breed true physical features and in four year 270 lambs (males and females) were obtained which led to more than 675% increase in the total flock size making the total flock size of nucleus herd as 310 animals. In the final phase of project, 110 breeding rams were distributed in respective breeding tract of Muzaffarnagari breed (Meerut, Muzzaffarnagar, Hapur, Bijnor) to propagate purebred animals as this was the ultimate aim to conserve critically threatened breeds. Moreover, 170 ewes and 10 breeding rams were transferred to U.P. Animal Husbandry governed State Sheep and Goat Farm, Jalaun, U.P. for further propagation.




  1. Vijay Kumar. (2016). Fundamentals of Animal Genetics. Kalyani Publishers. (ISBN: 978-93-272-6887-4)
  2. Vijay Kumar and A K Chakravarty. (2017). Objective Question Bank of Animal Genetics, Breeding and Biostatistics. Kalyani Publishers. (ISBN: 978-93-272-8241-2)
  3. Rakesh Goel. (2018). Statistics and Computers for Animal and Veterinary Sciences. New India Publishing Agency. (ISBN: 978-93-86546-55-5)

Book Chapters:

  1. Tiwari, M., Sharma, D. and Singh, S.P. (2014). Breeding Strategies in Livestock. In: Advances in Livestock Production and Management, JAYA publishing house, Delhi Pp: 197-207. (ISBN 978-93-82471-19-6)
  2. Vijay Kumar (2017). Genetic and Breeding Aspects of Lactation, Trends and Advances in Veterinary Genetics, InTech open, (ISBN 978-953-51-3042-0, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3041-3)
  3. Madhu Tiwari, Deepak Sharma and Avneesh Kumar. (2019). Role of Women in Livestock Sector. In: Doubling Farmers Income through Animal Husbandry. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, pp. 09-20. ISBN: 9789388020206.
  4. Deepak Sharma, Satyendra Pal Singh and Madhu Tiwari. (2019). Perspective of indigenous livestock breeds and its importance. In: Doubling Farmers Income through Animal Husbandry. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, pp. 33-64. ISBN: 9789388020206.
  5. Satyendra Pal Singh, Madhu Tiwari and Deepak Sharma. (2019). Selection and breeding strategies of livestock to enhance livestock productivity. In: Doubling Farmers Income through Animal Husbandry. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, pp. 97-108. ISBN: 9789388020206.
  6. Deepak Sharma, Satyendra Pal Singh and Madhu Tiwari. (2019). Indigenous breeds and its importance in conservation. In: Artificial Insemination in Bovine and Livestock Management. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, pp. 01-08. ISBN: 9789388020183.
  7. Satyendra Pal Singh, Madhu Tiwari and Deepak Sharma. (2019).Basic body scoring in selection and purchase of animals. In: Artificial Insemination in Bovine and Livestock Management. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, pp. 291-306. ISBN: 9789388020183.
  8. Deepak Sharma, Madhu Tiwari and Avneesh Kumar. (2019). Govansh ki prajatiya evam unke samvardhan ke upaay. In: Go Palan. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, pp. 17-26. ISBN: 9789388020176.
  9. Satyendra Pal Singh, Madhu Tiwari and Deepak Sharma. (2019). Achche saand paida karne ttha uttam dugdh utpadan ke liye breeding plan. In: Go Palan. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, pp. 215-218. ISBN: 9789388020176.
  10. Avneesh Kumar, Deepak Sharma and S.P. Singh. (2019). Govansh ke sanrakshan ke upaay. In: Go Palan. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi, pp. 219-224. ISBN: 9789388020176.



S. No. Title
1 Organized a training Programme on “Data Analysis using SAS” under NAIP project on “Strengthening Statistical Computing for NARS” funded by IASRI, New Delhi from 16-21 May, 2011.
2 A two day State level Seminar on “Challenges and Strategies for Conservation of Small Ruminants in India” and a Poster Presentation Competition on “Conservation of threatened breeds of livestock in India” was organized on 9-10th October, 2013.