March 29, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Animal Nutrition


This department was established in year 1947 and M. V. Sc and PhD degree programme were initiated in the year 1958. Since establishment, Department has been working place for pioneer worker in field of animal nutrition in India like Dr S. K. Talapatra, Dr S. K. Ranjhan, Dr C. S. Barsaul etc  who were pioneer in fields like mineral nutrition, anti-nutritional factor,  unconventional feed etc. Department has been engaged in evolving cheap and economic ration for various categories of livestock and poultry. Department has been instrumental in providing technical services to farmers, government officer, industry personals and livestock owners. Training of undergraduate and postgraduate students on proximate analysis, antinutritional factors, feed formulation of various classes of livestock and poultry produces trained man power for country as quality control expert and nutritionist. Currently, our scientists are working in the areas of mineral nutrition (especially organic, chelated and nano minerals) and fodder evaluation. Till 2019 a total of 121 M.V.Sc and 39 PhD students have passed out from the department.


  • To produce well trained veterinarians for serving the nation and society
  • To advise farmers to feed balanced and quality ration to livestock and poultry and to economize dairy and poultry farming
  • To impart trainings to the veterinary officers, livestock extension officers regarding recent developments in animal nutrition and feeding practices of livestock.
  • To uplift the economic levels of farmers by cost effective planning.

Thrust Area

  • Formulation of cheap and balanced ration for cattle and buffalo
  • Advancement in area of mineral nutrition for livestock & poultry
  • Use of herbal feed additive to improve productive performance of livestock
  • Development and evaluation of newer feed resources


  • V. Sc and A.H.: as prescribed by Veterinary Council of India is taught to UG students.

Post graduate: The Department offers Master Degree (M.V.Sc.) and Doctorate Degree (Ph.D.) in Animal Nutrition. The courses are as per the prescribed syllabus of Indian council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).The research programme is decided by the guide in consultation with the student advisory committee.

Research/Developmental Projects (Externally Funded)

Sr.No. Title of the project Investigators /Incharge Budget (Rs) Sponsoring Agency Year
1. Formulation of cheap & balanced rations for bovines (Cattle) with locally available feeds & fodders Dr. Aditya Kumar 10 Lacs UPCAR 2008
2. Design & development of low cost feed evaluation Indigenous equipment& economic balanced feed for livestock Dr. Aditya Kumar 12 Lacs DST, New Delhi 2008
3 Experiential learning on feed production and processing Dr Vinod Kumar 55.6 Lacs ICAR, New Delhi 2011
4 Studies on feasibilty of distillery raw or biomethanated spent wash as animal feeds supplement Dr Vinod Kumar 5.0 Lacs Dhampur Sugar mill Pvt Ltd 2015
5 Effect of supplementing herbal digestive stimulant with probiotics on in vitro rumen fermentation and performance of growing indigenous heifers. Dr Debashis Roy 4.5 Lacs Indian Herbs Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 2017
6 Effect of supplementation of tinospora cordifolia on reproduction and production parameters of peripartum sahiwal cows” under AICRP (on nutritional and physiological interventions for enhancing reproductive performance in cattle and buffaloes) Dr Shalini Vawani 4.0 Lacs

(Univ. Funded)

AICRP, ICAR, Non funding center 2017
7 Establishment of a demonstration unit of silage making and popularization of low cost silage technology for year round fodder availability for small scale farmers Dr Shalini Vaswani 89.62 Lacs RKVY 2017
9 Establishment of small-scale feed processing demonstration unit to promote rural youth entrepreneurship Dr Shalini Vaswani 236.27 lacs RKVY 2018
10 Study on the efficacy of feeding Mineral mixtures (Min Mix) on production and reproduction parameters, repeat breeding and silent anestrus of lactating dairy cows. Dr Vinod Kumar 5.0 lacs The Himalaya Drug Company



Faculty act as resource person for trainings to the veterinary officers, livestock extension officers regarding recent developments in animal nutrition and feeding practices of livestock and poultry.


  • Faculty act as resource person for trainings to the farmers and dairy owners regarding scientific feeding to livestock and poultry.
  • Participation and organization of kisan melas, workshop and others farmers related activities like clinical camps etc.
  • Manufacture and supply of concentrate, mineral mixture to dairy farmers, LFC farm etc

Advisory services to farmers, LFC farm Mathura


  • Well equipped UG and PG laboratory
  • For proximate analysis of feed
  • Silage manufacturing unit
  • Feed manufacturing unit
  • Experimental animal shed
  • Feed testing laboratory

Ten Best Publications

  1. Singh, A. Kumar, M., Kumar, V., Roy, D., Kushwaha, R. Vaswani, S. And Kumar, A. 2018 Effect of nickel supplementation on antioxidant status, immune characteristics, and energy and lipid metabolism in growing cattle. Biological Trace Element Research, http:// doi: 10.1007/s12011-018-1524-6. (published online) (NAAS 8.40).
  2. Keshri, A., Roy, D., Kumar, V., Kumar M., Kushwaha, R., Vaswani, Prasad C.K., Prakash A. and Choudhury, S. 2019 Effect of chromium supplementation on rhythmic alterations in growth performance and nutrient utilization of growing cattle during heat stress. Biological Rhythm Research. Published online (Impact Factor 0.699)
  3. Rehalia, T., Kumar, V., Roy, D., Kumar, M., Kushwaha, R. Vaswani, S. (2018) Effect of neem oil treated urea supplementation on growth performance of heifers Indian Journal of Dairy Sciences, 71(4): 416-421. (NAAS 5.26).
  4. Gupta PK, Vaswani S, Kumar V, Roy D, Kumar M, Kushwaha R, Kumar A, Shukla A. 2019. Investigations on modulating effect of vanadium supplementation on growth and metabolism through improved immune response, antioxidative profile and endocrine variables in Hariana heifers. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2019 Jul 4. doi: 10.1007/s12011-019-01794-4. (NAAS 8.4).
  5. Singh, A. Kumar, M., Kumar, V., Roy, D., Kushwaha, R. Vaswani, S. And Kumar, A. 2018 Effect of Nickel Supplementation on Liver and Kidney Function Test and Protein Metabolism in Growing Cattle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Biological Sciences. (IF 0.396).
  6. Vaswani, S., Kumar, V., Roy, D., Kumar, M. And Kushwaha, R. Effect of different sources of copper supplementation on performance, nutrient utilization, blood biochemicals and plasma mineral status of growing Hariana heifers. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 88(7): 812-818. (NAAS 6.19).
  7. Vaswani S, Kumar V., Roy D. and Kumar, M. and Raju Kushwaha. Effect of Copper Supplementation on In Vitro Rumen Fermentation Characteristics. International Journal of Livestock Research, 7 (3): 35-41. (NAAS 5.36).
  8. Roy, D., Kumar, V., Kumar, M., Sirohi, R. Singh, Y. and Singh, J. K. Effect of feeding Azolla pinnata on growth performance, feed intake, nutrient digestibility and blood biochemical’s of Hariana heifers fed on roughage based diet. Indian Journal of Dairy Sciences. 69(2): 190-196.(NAAS 5.26).
  9. Gupta, V.P., Kumar, V., Roy, D. And Kumar, M. Macro and micro-mineral profile of feeds, fodders and blood of livestock under farm condition in Mathura district of India. Indian Journal of Animal Research 49(3): 203-206. (NAAS 6.04).
  10. Mohanrao, B.A., Kumar, V., Roy, D., Kumar, M., Srivastava, M. And Gupta, V.P. 2015. Influence of dietary cation – anionic difference on hematobiochemical profile, mineral metabolism, postpartum reproductive and productive performance of Hariana cows. Indian Journal of Animal Research 49(3): 497-504. (NAAS04)


  1. Department research team during in vitro study


  1. Urea molasses mineral block preparation during experiential learning

3.  Workshop of silage organized by Animal Nutrition Department

4.  The inauguration of “Silage Production Unit” under the RKVY funded project on 06/10/2018 by Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture, Agriculture Education and Agriculture Research, Government of Uttar Pradesh Shri Surya Pratap Shahi Ji.

5.  Faculty and students of Animal Nutrition Department