March 29, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Animal Reproduction Gynecology & Obstetrics


Department of Animal Reproduction Gynecology & Obstetrics

Department came up as an independent department in 1967, however, before that, Veterinary Surgery and Radiology Department was taking care of teaching programmers. Department has the distinction of having received two Jawaharlal Nehru Awards for outstanding research work in the field of animal reproduction in 1986 and 1996 on the topics “Studies on certain aspects of hormonal therapy for anestrus in bovines and synchronization of estrus in cattle and buffaloes with PGF2?” and “Studies on improving certain aspects of embryo biotechnology in buffaloes”. Some of the salient research projects undertaken by the Department are- standardization of protocol of freezing and thawing in Indian thorough-bred horses under Indian climatic conditions, method for in-vitro culture of oocytes, hormonal therapy for treatment of anestrous, optimizing semen preservation technique especially for Murrah bull semen, in vitro fertilization and in vitro culture of bovine oocytes from slaughter house ovary, ultrasonographic imaging of bovine ovaries for better understanding of follicular dynamics and optimizing synchronization protocol for buffaloes and cows. The department has also undertaken collaborative research with GADVASU, Ludhiana and CSWRI, Avikanagar on developing a suitable protocol for Indian Cattle and Buffalo.

With the improved infrastructural facilities, particularly ultrasonography, in the Department and ECL, research work on early pregnancy diagnosis, study of follicular dynamics, ascertaining cystic ovary conditions, optimization of time of insemination by measuring the dominant follicle size at the time of estrus is being undertaken. Audiovisual facilities are being routinely employed for teaching to graduate and postgraduate students and also field Veterinarians who come for training. Special emphasis is being given on practical training to UG students for conducting fetotomy using audio-visual aid and subsequently on phantom uterus. Video films of female reproductive tract, site of inseminations, caesarean, torsion, prolapse, dystocia are prepared and used for effective teaching.

Extension programmes include awareness campaign for estrus detection, protection against common reproductive ailments, colostrum feeding and neonatal care through radio talks, TV shows, Kishan Ghosti and camps etc. Training programmes for updating clinical skills of in-service Veterinarians of UP Government are also being arranged under continuous training program.

Teaching and Research

  • Imparting knowledge of the subject to undergraduate and post graduate students.
  • Optimizing semen preservation technique especially for Murrah bull semen.
  • In-vitro fertilization and in-vitro culture of bovine oocytes from slaughter house ovary
  • Ultrasonographic imaging of bovine ovaries for better understanding of follicular dynamics.
  • Optimizing synchronization protocol for buffaloes


General Facilities

  • Routine Pregnancy diagnosis
  • AI in collaboration with Department of Genetics & Breeding
  • Infertility clinics using facility of ultrasound
  • Regular OPD and emergency services for assisted delivery.

Available equipment and Lab facilities

  • Amongst the previously available major instruments like lyophilizer and Gel electrophoresis, both has been used on time to time depending upon the research work.
  • Department has basic facilities to carry out undergraduate and postgraduate practical.
  • Recently purchased instruments (as combined clinical facilities) like ultrasound, haemato analyzer and semi auto blood chemistry analyzer is being used regularly for carrying out work on early pregnancy diagnosis, study of follicular dynamics, ascertaining cystic ovary conditions, optimizing the time of insemination by measuring the dominant follicle size at the time of estrus.
  • Beside, estimation of serum glucose, total protein, calcium and phosphorus being monitored in certain experiments used for synchronization.


  • Reproductive health care of animals in and around Mathura
  • Regular clinics for various Gynaecological ailments
  • Bi-weekly Ambulatory services to two different villages adopted by the University for the Welfare of animals.
  • Implementation of technique of synchronization of estrus in large ruminants for restricting calving interval
  • Use of ultrasonography in monitoring follicular activity in infertile animals (buffalo & cow) and their treatment through hormones in bringing them back to fertility.
  • Use of sonography in early pregnancy diagnosis (earliest by 30-32 day) and to start suitable treatment in non pregnant animals.
  • Awareness campaign for estrus detection, protection against common reproductive ailments, colostrums feeding and neonatal care through radio talks, TV shows, Kishan Ghosti and camps etc.
  • Updating clinical skills of in-service veterinarians of UP Government through a continuous training program entitled “ Semen technology and Fertility Management”



The department has the distinction of having received two Jawaharlal Nehru Awards for the outstanding research work in the field of animal reproduction in the year 1986 and 1996 on the topics.

“Studies on certain aspects of hormonal therapy for anoestrus in bovines and synchronization of estrus in cattle and buffaloes with PGF2”


“Studies on improving certain aspects of embryo biotechnology in the buffaloes”

  • So far 64 M.V.Sc and 08 PhD degrees have been awarded in the subject and majority of the degree holders are serving in various SAUs, ICAR research institutes, Remount and Veterinary Corps, Nationalized Banks and various State Government services.
  • Standardize protocol of freezing and thawing in Indian thorough bred horses under Indian climatic condition.
  • Standardize method for in-vitro culture of oocytes.
  • Recently being able to archive approx 60% post-thaw motility in buffalo bull semen preservation which is comparable with any standard lab meant for semen preservation.
  • Along with Department of Physiology, designed course especially for field veterinarian in the area of male & female reproduction in order to combat the problems of infertility in large ruminants. Course includes basic knowledge of female anatomy, heat detection & error, semen quality, knowledge of AI technique, semen deposition, repeat breeding, synchronization, use of hormones, handling of LN2 cylinder and tank management.
  • Approximately 300 field veterinarians have attended the training in a span of two years time. Training was sponsored by UPLDB.
  • Special training is imparted to UG student for conducting fetotomy using audio-visual aid and subsequently on phantom uterus.
  • Video films of female reproductive tract and site of inseminations is prepared and the facilities are being shared with the students.
  • Important clinical cases such as caesarean, torsion, prolapse, dystocia etc video is developed however editing is required.