March 29, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Veterinary Biochemistry


Department of Veterinary Biochemistry

Department of Biochemistry came into existence after bifurcation of Department of Physiology & Biochemistry in the year 1948. Apart from teaching of undergraduate students, department has good facilities for post graduate teaching and research. The department has interdisciplinary interaction in teaching and research and offers technical guidance/ assistance on problem related to subject.

Department has made significant contribution in the field of rumen metabolism and effect of urea supplementation in ration on enzyme activities and other biochemical constituents, nutritional biochemistry, blood cell biochemistry of domestic animal and birds in health and disease condition along with genetic control of red blood corpuslces enzymes, biochemical polymorphism of different constituents and their relationship with economic trait in poultry, sheep and goat. biochemical study of saliva, cervical mucous, urine in farm animals, biochemical aids to disease diagnosis, biochemistry of embryogenesis in health and disease, biochemical aspects of male and female reproduction and cloning and characterization of antimicrobial peptides are some other major areas in which Department has made significant contributions.

Summer institute on “Instrumentation and analytical techniques in Veterinary Clinical Biochemistry” in 1983 and an international symposium on “foetal biology” in 1984 were organized by the Department. department has the distinction of having handled International foundation for science, Sweden funded research project “Biochemical investigation on exotic ram semen and development of artificial insemination programme using diluted and frozen semen”


Teaching Programme:

Department is involved in teaching Veterinary Biochemistry to undergraduate (BVSc & AH) and Post-graduate (MVSc and PhD) students.

A. BVSc & AH Programmes:

As per the course curriculum of Veterinary Council of India, following courses are being offered/ taught at undergraduate level:

Course No.

Course Title

Credit Hours

Unit I General veterinary Biochemistry 2+1
Unit II Veterinary Intermediary metabolism 2+1
Unit III Veterinary Analytical Biochemistry 2+1
VLC 0+6

B. MVSc Programme:

The MVSc with course work semester system was started w.e.f. 2009-10 academic year according to the new syllabus prescribed by ICAR.

Course No.

Course Title

Credit Hours

BCT 601 Biophysical Chemistry 2 + 0
BCT 602 Biochemistry of Biomolecules 2 + 0
BCT 603 Enzymology 2 + 1
BCT 604 Analytical Techniques and Instrumentation in Biochemistry 1 + 1
BCT 605 Clinical Biochemistry of Animals 2 + 1
BCT 606 Intermediary Metabolism and Regulation 3 + 0
BCT 607 Molecular Biochemistry 2 + 1
BCT 608 Nutritional and Industrial Biochemistry 2 + 0
BCT 609 Endocrinology and Reproductive Biochemistry 2 + 0
BCT 610 Biochemistry of Ruminants and Wild Animals 1 + 1
BCT 611 Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 1 + 1
BCT 612 Master’s Seminar 1 + 0
BCT 613 Master’s Research 0 + 30

C. PhD Programme:

The PhD with course work semester system was started w.e.f. 2009-10 academic year according to the new syllabus prescribed by ICAR.

Course No.

Course Title

Credit Hours

RPE700* Research and Publications Ethics 1 + 1
BCT 701 Applied Molecular Biochemistry and Systems Biology 2 + 1
BCT 702 Membrane Biochemistry 2 + 0
BCT 703 Recent trends in Enzymology 2 + 1
BCT 704 Diagnostic Techniques in Clinical Biochemistry 0 + 2
BCT 705 Recent Trends in Biochemical Techniques and Instrumentation 2 + 1
BCT 706 Developmental Biochemistry 2 + 0
BCT 707 Bioinformatics Tools in Biochemistry 1 + 1
BCT 708 Environmental and Toxicological Biochemistry 2 + 0
BCT 709 Biochemistry of Diseases and Disorders 2 + 0
BCT 710 Immuno-Biochemistry 2 + 0
BCT 711 Special Problem 0 + 2
BCT 712 Doctoral Seminar-I 1 + 0
BCT 713 Doctoral Seminar-II 1 + 0
BCT 714 Doctoral Research 0+75

For effective teaching the Department has prepared and compiled following manuals and lecture notes for different courses of Biochemistry for the students.


  1. Laboratory Manual of General veterinary Biochemistry(VPB – 112)
  2. Laboratory Manual of Veterinary Intermediary metabolism (VPB – 122)
  3. Laboratory Manual of Animal Biotechnology. (VPB – 321)
  4. Laboratory Manual of Clinical Biochemistry and laboratory diagnosis. (VLD – 411) NEW
  5. Laboratory Manual of Clinical Biochemistry and laboratory diagnosis. (VLD – 421)
  6. Laboratory Manual of Clinical Biochemistry and laboratory diagnosis. (VLD – 411)
  7. Laboratory Manual of General veterinary Biochemistry (VBC – 111)
  8. Laboratory Manual of Veterinary Intermediary metabolism (VBC – 122)

Lecture Notes:

  1. Lecture note on VPB-112 & 122
  2. Lecture note on VBC-411


Ongoing Research Work in the Department: 

  1. A study on milk proteome and biochemical analysis of milk and blood of mastitic and healthy Sahiwal cows.
  2. Studies on Influence of certain blood adipokines and their genetic polymorphism on lactation of sahiwal cows
  3. Studies on circulating Leptin level, polymorphism of LEP and LEPR genes in hariana cows.

Ongoing Research Project in the department:

Association of bovine leptin gene polymorphism with production and reproduction traits in primiparous dairy cows.

Research paper published in National or International Journals in 2014:

  1. Vijay Pandey, Rajesh Nigam, Atul Saxena, Pawanjit Singh, Ambika Sharma, D K  Swain, and Lokesh Sharma (2014). Seasonal variations in biochemical attributes of Haryana Bull Semen. Ruminant Science 3(1):19-24
  2. Dhirendra Singh, Rajesh Nigam, Vijay Pandey and Pawanjit Singh (2014). Influence of Andrographis paniculata supplementation on lipid and vitamin metabolism in stress induced rats. Veterinary Practitioner 15 (1): 84-85.
  3. Vijay Pandey, Rajesh Nigam, Pawanjit Singh, Ambika Sharma, Atul Saxena, Dilip Kumar Swain, Lokesh Sharma and Shilpi Dixit (2014). Influence of Season on Biochemical Attributes of Bhadawari Buffalo Bull Semen: Effect of Temperature and Humidity. Journal of Animal Research 4(2):201-209.
  4. Shailaza Sharma, Rajesh Nigam, Vijay Pandey, SS Ghuman and Pawanjit Singh (2014). Circulating levels of estradiol-17β and progesterone vis a vis nitric oxide (NO) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) at and around estrus in cycling buffaloes. Journal of Applied Animal ResearchDOI: 10.1080/09712119.2014.963090.
  5. Pawanjit Singh, Rajesh Nigam and Sanjiv Kumar (2013). Antioxidant effect of vitamin E and selenium supplementation in Hariana calves. Veterinary Practitioner 14 (2) Suppe. 1: 471-472.


Following facilities are available in the Department of Veterinary Biochemistry

  • UG Lab
  • PG Lab


Recently the Department Organized 2nd Annual meeting of society of veterinary science and Biotechnology and National Seminar on “Biotechnological approaches to challenges in animal health and production“ (06-07 March,2014)