दिनांक 7 मार्च 2021 को विराट कृषि मेला कृषक गोष्ठी एवं कृषक प्रदर्शनी श्री बटेशवर धाम , बाह ,आगरा में किया गाया विश्वधालय के डा0 विनोद सिंह , डा0 रजीनेश सिरोही , डा0 एस के मिसरा , डा0 ब्रज मोहन, डा0 रवीन्द्र कुमार राजपुत , श्री गोविन्द , श्री दीप चन्द , श्री दामोदर व्दारा प्रतिभा किया गया मेले में खेती किसानी , पशुपालन , बगवानी से सम्बन्धीत किसानो को जानकारी दी गयी गोसती का उदघाटन माननीय कीषि राज्य मंत्री श्री लाखन सिंह राजपूत व्दारा किया गया read more
Chairman, University Grant Commission Prof D. P. Singh visited DUVASU, Mathura on 7th March 2021 and appreciated the activities of the Goat Unit of the College read more
DUVASU participated in ‘Virat Kisan Mela’ at Bateshwar: Hon’ble Agriculture Minister inaugurated the Mela read more
DUVASU participated in ‘Virat Kisan Mela’ at Bateshwar: Hon’ble Agriculture Minister inaugurated the Mela read more
Under the ICAR-OPZD, AICRP and DIMSCA projects in the departments of Veterinary Public Health, Veterinary Gynecology & Obstetrics and Veterinary Surgery & Radiology respectively DUVASU organized an AWARENESS CAMP on Brucellosis, infertility,zoonotic diseases and diagnosis & infertility in dairy animals read more
Under the ICAR-OPZD, AICRP and DIMSCA projects in the departments of Veterinary Public Health, Veterinary Gynecology & Obstetrics and Veterinary Surgery & Radiology respectively DUVASU organized an AWARENESS CAMP on Brucellosis, infertility,zoonotic diseases and diagnosis & infertility in dairy animals read more