March 29, 2025
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College of Dairy Science

India’s position as the world’s leading milk producer since 1998 underscores the significance of the dairy sector in its agricultural economy with a steady growth rate of 4 to 5% per annum. The dairy industry presently has approximately 700 processing units which are vital not only for food security but also for employment generation.

The majority of milk production (approximately 70%) occurs in the unorganized sector, while cooperatives and private dairies account for the remaining 30%. This evolving landscape not only signifies a bright future for dairy processing in India but also emphasizes the importance of education and training in cultivating a workforce ready to meet the industry’s challenges and opportunities. As consumer purchasing power rises along with globalization, the demand for value-added dairy products is expected to increase which definitely shall open new job opportunities in dairy sector. This will create the opportunity for adoption of improved processing methods and technology to enhance efficiency, product quality and employment generation.

Keeping in view the need of skilled dairy professionals, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh and U.P. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go-Anusandhan Sansthan (DUVASU) has established the College of Dairy Science in its Mathura campus from the academic year 2024-25. Presently, the College of Dairy Science offers four years of Bachelor of Technology in Dairy Technology degree programme with an intake capacity of 40 students aiming to provide quality human resource to the dairy and food sector. The college is equipped with all the necessary facilities required for B.Tech. (Dairy Technology). Young and dynamic faculty with expertise in different disciplines has been recruited to fulfill the core objectives of the college. The college has a significant role in imparting quality education in the field of dairy science and shaping the future of dairy technocrats. The college has been constituted as per the recommendations of the Vth Deans’ Committee Report of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. The college consists of five departments and one section.

  1. Department of Dairy Technology
  2. Department of Dairy Engineering
  3. Department of Dairy Chemistry
  4. Department of Dairy Microbiology
  5. Department of Dairy Business Management
  6. Pilot Dairy Unit cum Business Process Development Centre.


To integrate and advance the excellence in dairy science education, research and extension services to the society.


    • To become a Centre of Excellence in Dairy Science education to cater the present need of dairy sector.
    • To build the dairy graduates acquainted with different aspects of quality assurance, production, management, sales and marketing by virtue of industrial in-plant training.
    • To undergo institutional and industrial collaboration to tackle the problems in dairy industry.
    • To adopt Government policies that support growth and sustainability in the dairy sector.


Prof. (Dr.) Rashmi Singh

Dean, College of Dairy Science

U.P. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go-Anusandhan Sansthan (DUVASU), Mathura


Mobile: +91-98971 09963


About Dean

Dr. Rashmi Singh has about 27 years of academic experience in Veterinary Science. She did her B.V.Sc. & A.H. from the College of Veterinary Sciences, CCSHAU, Hisar with merit award and M.V.Sc. in Veterinary Immunology from the same institution. Her academic pursuit started with her role as Research Associate at National Professor Laboratory on Rotavirus Molecular Biology, at CCSHAU, Hisar and later joining as the first lady faculty in the Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, GBPUAT, Pantnagar. She completed her Ph.D. from the same institute in Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology, with minor in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology. She joined as an Associate Professor in the Department of Veterinary Microbiology, DUVASU, Mathura in 2011. She has guided and mentored many master’s students, as well as Ph.D. scholars in the discipline of Veterinary Microbiology and Biotechnology. Her exceptional research prowess has been widely recognized, as principal investigator in externally funded projects, as well as collaborations as a Co-PI with esteemed institutions such as DBT and ICAR. Her painstaking dedication has yielded an impressive repertoire of original research publications in esteemed national and international journals and publications comprising review articles, book chapters, popular articles, and more to the scientific community. She was awarded an overseas fellowship as a Visiting Professor at VIDO, University of Saskatchewan, Canada for three months in 2022. She has presented papers in various national and international conferences. She was an invited speaker in INTERACT Symposium, Oklahoma State university, USA, September 2024. She is a member of different committees of the University and ICAR institutes viz. IAEC, IBSC, Animal Disease Prioritization Team, FAO-India and as an expert member in selection committees of University and ICAR institutes. Dr. Rashmi Singh took the responsibility of the University during covid pandemic by establishing the covid 19 testing laboratory as nodal officer under One Health. Dr. Rashmi was Professor and Head in the Department of Veterinary Microbiology, DUVASU before joining as the founder Dean of the College of Dairy Science.

Faculty Profile

S. No. Name Designation Department Email View Profile
1. Dr. Dinker Singh Associate Professor Dairy Technology View Profile 
2. Ms. Sapna Tomar Assistant Professor Dairy Technology View Profile
3. Dr. Vivek Koshta Assistant Professor Dairy Engineering View Profile
4. Dr. Srushty Omprakash Patil Assistant Professor Dairy Chemistry View Profile
5. Dr. Rashmi Associate Professor Dairy Business Management View Profile
6. Dr. Deepak Chand Meena Assistant Professor Dairy Business Management View Profile
7. Mr. Pramod Kumar Assistant Librarian Library View Profile


Academic Regulation book: College of Dairy Science- 2024


I.   Department of Dairy Technology

Since Uttar Pradesh is the leading producer of milk contributing 17% to the total milk production in the country, the demand for milk and milk products never goes down. The Department of Dairy Technology was established in the College of Dairy Science, DUVASU, Mathura with the moto to aware people in the state of Uttar Pradesh regarding milk processing, value addition, and utilization of surplus milk along with ensuring milk quality and safety. The department offers 13 courses and 4 Student READY programmes in different semesters for the B.Tech (Dairy Technology) degree programme which are aligned with 5th Deans’ Committee Report of ICAR.

The core commitments of Department of Dairy Technology include:

  • To develop and conduct B.Tech. (Dairy Technology) courses aimed at addressing the manpower needs for technologists and researchers in the Indian dairy industry.
  • To ensure the curriculum is aligned with industry trends and recent technological advancements.
  • To organize hands on training programs for various stakeholders, including dairy plant personnel, academicians, researchers, small entrepreneurs and progressive farmers.
  • To focus on dairy processing techniques, quality control, and innovative practices.
  • To provide R&D assistance to the dairy industry for new product development and Process optimization.
  • To collaborate with industry partners to drive innovation.
  • To assist the dairy industry in solving technological challenges to enhance productivity and efficiency.
  • To provide consultancy services to the target stake holders.

Courses Offered

B.Tech (Dairy Technology)

Course Code Nomenclature Credit Hours

Semester II

DT-121 Market Milk 3+1
DT-122 Fat Rich Dairy Products 2+1
DT-123 Student READY Rural Dairy Work Experience Programme-I (During summer break) 0+5

Semester III

DT-211 Traditional Indian Dairy Products 2+1
DT-212 Condensed and Dried Milks 3+1

Semester IV

DT-221 Cheese Technology 3+2
DT-222 Ice-Cream and Frozen Desserts 2+1
DT-223 Student READY Rural Dairy Work Experience Programme-II (During summer break) 0+5

Semester V

DT-311 By-products Technology 2+1
DT-312 Packaging of Dairy Products 2+1

Semester VI

DT-321 Sensory Evaluation of Dairy Products 2+1
DT-322 Food Technology-I 2+1

Semester VII

DT-411 Student Ready-In Plant Training 0+20

Semester VIII

DT-421 Dairy Plant Management 1+1
DT-422 Waste Disposal and Pollution Abatement 1+1
DT-423 Food Technology-II 2+1
DT-424 Student READY Experiential Learning Module 0+10

II.  Department of Dairy Engineering

The B.Tech (Dairy Technology) program offers 15 courses from the Dairy Engineering Department in different semesters to give students an understanding of the fundamental and applied engineering aspects in the dairy industry. The course curriculum is specifically designed to instill the students with the knowledge and skills related to dairy operations, care and maintenance of dairy equipment, along with technical knowhow of the machines and instrumentation used in the dairy industry. The courses are aligned with the Fifth Deans’ Committee of ICAR guidelines.

Courses Offered

B.Tech (Dairy Technology)

Course Code Nomenclature Credit Hours
Semester I
DE-111 Workshop Practice 1+1
DE-112 Fluid Mechanics 2+1
DE-113 Engineering Drawing 0+1
Semester II
DE-121 Thermodynamics 1+1
DE-122 Heat & Mass Transfer 2+1
DE-123 Boilers and Steam Generation 1+1
Semester III
DE-211 Refrigeration & Air-conditioning 2+1
DE-212 Basic Electrical Engineering 2+1
Semester IV
DE-221 Dairy Engineering 2+1
DE-222 Instrumentation and Process Control 2+1
Semester V
DE-311 Material Strength and Dairy Machine Design 2+1
DE-312 Dairy Process Engineering 2+1
Semester VII
DE-321 Food Engineering 2+1
DE-322 Dairy Plant Design and Layout 1+1
DE-323 Energy Conservation and Management 1+1

III.  Department of Dairy Chemistry

The department is dedicated to the scientific study of the chemical composition and properties of milk and dairy products. We offer a comprehensive curriculum that explores the intricate chemistry of milk, from its basic constituents to the complex processes involved in dairy product manufacturing.


* To provide quality education and training in dairy chemistry to students, fostering their understanding of the underlying principles and applications.

* To conduct research that advances the knowledge and technology of dairy chemistry, contributing to the industry’s growth and sustainability.

* To collaborate with industry partners and government agencies to address challenges and promote the development of innovative dairy products.

Areas of Expertise

1)    Milk Chemistry:

Composition, physico-chemical properties, and chemical reactions of milk.

2)    Dairy Product Chemistry:

The chemistry of various dairy products, including cheese, butter, ghee, yogurt, and ice cream.

3)    Quality Control and Analysis:

Methods for testing and analyzing the chemical quality as well as adulteration of milk and dairy products.

4)    Food Safety:

 Ensuring the safety of dairy products through chemical analysis and hazard control.

5)    Dairy Processing Technology:

The application of chemical principles to optimize dairy processing methods.

Courses Offered

B.Tech (Dairy Technology)

Course Code Nomenclature Credit Hours
Semester I
DC-111 Biochemistry 1+1
Semester II
DC-121 Physical Chemistry of Milk 2+1
DC-122 Human Nutrition 1+0
Semester III
DC-211 Chemistry of Milk 2+1
Semester IV
DC-221 Chemistry of Dairy Products 2+1
Semester V
DC-311 Chemical Quality Assurance 1+1
Semester VI
DC-321 Food Chemistry 2+1

IV.  Department of Dairy Microbiology

The department is dedicated to the scientific study of microorganisms involved in the production, processing, and preservation of dairy products. We offer a comprehensive curriculum that explores the diverse world of dairy microbiology, from beneficial cultures to spoilage organisms.


* To provide quality education and training in dairy microbiology to students, fostering their understanding of the microbial aspects of the dairy industry.

* To conduct practical on microbiology of milk and milk products, contributing to the development of safe, high-quality dairy products.

Areas of Expertise

1)   Dairy Microbiology:

The study of microorganisms found in milk and dairy products, including bacteria, yeasts, and molds.

2)   Probiotics and Prebiotics:

The use of beneficial microorganisms and their substrates to improve human health.

3)   Food Safety:

Ensuring the safety of dairy products through microbiological control and hazard analysis.

4)   Fermentation Technology:

The application of microorganisms to produce fermented dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and kefir.

5)   Dairy Processing Hygiene:

Maintaining hygienic conditions throughout the dairy processing chain to prevent microbial contamination.

Courses Offered

B.Tech (Dairy Technology)

Course Code Nomenclature Credit Hours
Semester I
DM-111 Fundamentals of Microbiology 2+1
Semester II
DM-121 Microbiology of fluid milk 2+1
Semester III
DM-211 Starter Culture and Fermented Milk Products 2+1
Semester IV
DM-221 Microbiology of Dairy Products 1+1
Semester V
DM-311 Quality and Safety Monitoring in Dairy Industry 2+1
Semester VI
DM-321 Food and Industrial Microbiology 2+1

V.  Department of Dairy Business Management

The industry demands Dairy Technologists to be innovative and versatile, equipped with the necessary confidence, work ethic, and initiative. They are expected to have strong interpersonal, communication, analytical, problem-solving, and business skills. This statutory department holds the key responsibility for shaping Dairy Technology graduates into skilled professionals, successful entrepreneurs, and above all, well-rounded individuals. Its mission includes conducting fundamental and applied research in key areas such as Business Management, Social Sciences, and Information Technology applications in the dairy and food processing sectors. The department places a strong emphasis on applying management principles to the dairy and food business, while also fostering the entrepreneurial potential of students and promoting teamwork. It offers a variety of courses for B.Tech. (Dairy Technology) students to support these goals.

Courses Offered

B.Tech (Dairy Technology)

Course Code Nomenclature Credit Hours
Semester I
DBM-111 Milk Production Management and Dairy Development 2+1
DBM-112 Communication Skills 1+1
DBM-113 Fundamental of Dairy Extension 2+1
Semester II
DBM-121 Economics Analysis 2+0
Semester III
DBM-211 Computer and Application Software Packages 1+1
DBM-212 Marketing Management & International Trade 2+0
Semester IV
DBM-221 Environmental Studies 1+1
Semester V
DBM-311 ICT in Dairy Sector and Operational Research 2+2
Semester VI
DBM-321 Financial Management and Cost Accounting 2+1
Semester VIII
DBM-421 Entrepreneurship Development and Industrial Consultancy 2+0
DBM-422 Industrial Statistics 1+1

 Student READY Programmes

As per Vth Deans Committee Report of ICAR, students will undergo four Student READY Programmes as follows:

Course Code Nomenclature Credit Hours
Summer Break – I
DT-121 Student READY Rural Dairy Work Experience Program-I 0+5
Summer Break – II
DT-223 Student READY Rural Dairy Work Experience Program-II 0+5
Semester VII
DT-411 Student READY In-Plant Training 0+20
Semester VIII
DT-424 Student READY Experiential Learning Module 0+10

1. Student READY Rural Dairy Work Experience Program-I

An exposure visit/training shall be conducted in the areas of Milk Production & Procurement in State Dairy Federations/Dairy Development Departments/Private Dairies/Animal Husbandry Department/Cattle farm/Progressive dairy farmers.

2. Student READY Rural Dairy Work Experience Program – II

An exposure visit/training shall be conducted in the areas of Preliminary Dairy Operations in Milk chilling centers/Experimental Dairy/Referral lab/Dairy Plants / Exposure to product manufacturing operations in Dairy & Food Industry.

3. Student READY In-Plant Training

The students shall be required to undergo In-plant training in State Dairy Federations/Dairy Development Departments/Private Dairies to learn the unit operations in various sections along with the management of the activities in dairy & food industry.

4. Student READY Experiential Learning Module

The module shall include “Hands-on-Training” in experiential learning dairy with preparation of value-added dairy product along with the submission of detailed Project Report in the selected areas of product manufacture.


The college is equipped with state-of-the art laboratory facilities in each department that serves as the key resources for hands-on learning and research. These labs are designed to provide students with practical experience in respective disciplines, enabling them to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. With cutting-edge technology, well-maintained equipment, and expert faculty guidance, the laboratories foster a learning environment that is both innovative and inspiring.

Each department has its own separate laboratory college designed as per the recommendations of Vth Deans’ Committee Report by ICAR, to meet the needs and requirements of the students during their B.Tech (Dairy Technology) programme.


The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a Central Sector Scheme of Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. NSS was launched in 1969 in 37 Universities with 40,000 volunteers which has now increased to 657 Universities and 51 +2 Councils/Directorates, covering 20,669 Colleges/ Technical Institutions and 11,988 Senior Secondary School. Over 7.4 crore students have benefitted from NSS.

The college also has its own NSS (National Service Scheme) unit to promote community service activities and programmes among students. The main objective behind this unit is to engage youth in voluntary community services for personality and character development.


The motto behind NSS is NOT ME BUT YOU which reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service.

Major Activities

Students are involved in different activities under NSS which include:

  • Education
  • Health, Family Welfare & Nutrition
  • Environment Conservation, Social Service Programmes
  • Cleanliness Drives
  • Programmes for improving status of Women
  • Relief and Rehabilitation during Natural Calamities
  • Production Oriented Programmes
  • National Integration Camp
  • Adventure program
  • Republic Day Parade Camps
  • National Youth festivals etc.

Regular activities performed by NSS unit of College of Dairy Science, DUVASU, are as follows:

S. No. Activity Volunteers Report


NSS Programme Officer of College of Dairy Science:

Dr. Deepak Chand Meena

Assistant Professor (Department of Dairy Business Management)

College of Dairy Science, DUVASU.

Mobile: +91-9996631195



Course Curriculum





Cleanliness Drive organized at the premises of College of Dairy Science, DUVASU

First year students of B.Tech (Dairy Technology) 2024-25 at their fresher’s day (Anugrah-24)

Mr. Freshers and Ms. Freshers at Anugrah-24, from College of Fisheries Science, College of Dairy Science and College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, DUVASU

Students from College of Dairy Science, DUVASU participated in University-level Poetry competition on the occasion 148th Birth Anniversary of Iron man of India aka Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel on National Unity Day

Students from College of Dairy Science, DUVASU at Blood Donation Camp organized  in University


Prof. Rashmi Singh presenting Floral Bouquet to honorable Vice Chancellor Prof. A. K. Srivastava on the first orientation programme of B.Tech (Dairy Technology) students

Orientation programme for the students of College of Dairy Science and College of Fisheries Science, DUVASU

Prof. A.K. Srivastava sharing his insights to the freshers on their orientation programme

Dairy Farm visit on the day of orientation programme

Celebration of World Food Day, 2024 with Guest Lecture for first year students of B.Tech (Dairy Technology) 2024-25 by Prof. K.D. Aparnathi, former Head and Professor at Dairy Chemistry Department, SMC College of Dairy Science, Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388110 (Gujarat)

Prof. K.D. Aparnathi with Dean and faculty members of College of Dairy Science, DUVASU, Mathura on the occasion of World Food Day-2024

Guest Lecture for first year students of B.Tech (Dairy Technology) 2024-25 by Prof. Sudhir Uprit from Department of Dairy Technology, Dau Sri Vasudev Chandrakar Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalaya Anjor-Durg, Chhattisgarh

First year students of B.Tech (Dairy Technology), DUVASU, at Banas Dairy Plant, Faridabad, Haryana

Industrial visit of first year students of B.Tech (Dairy Technology), 2024-25 at Banas Dairy Plant, Faridabad, Haryana


Why Dairy Technology?

Opportunities for employment after B.Tech (Dairy Technology) include:

  • Graduates qualify for Supervisory, Applied Research, Sales and Executive positions in processing, quality assurance, process development, product development, marketing, and sensory evaluation in dairy and food-related industries.
  • After completion of degree, graduates will find opportunities in multinational agencies (Nestle, Kraft Foods, Lactalis, Danone, Cadbury), milk unions and cooperatives (Mother Dairy, Amul, Verka, Vita, Parag Milk Foods) and other players.
  • Graduates can convert their big ideas into self-owned startups through government fundings to become job creators.
  • Food Safety Officers, Dairy Development Officers in local, state and pan India government agencies like FSSAI, State Dairy Development Boards etc.
  • Can pursue higher studies in the subjects of dairy and food technology, microbiology, chemistry, engineering and extension through national level entrance exams conducted by ICAR, CFTRI and NIFTEM.
  • Students can also pursue their MS and Ph.D from renowned international universities with scholarships.
  • Can apply for positions as scientists, professors, technical officers, administrative and finance officers at ICAR Deemed Universities, State Agricultural Universities, Veterinary and Animal Sciences Universities in dairy and allied sectors through Agricultural Scientists’ Recruitment Board (ASRB) examinations.
  • Can undergo professional programs in business and management from different B- schools like IRMA, IIM’s etc.
  • Graduates also have the eligibility to apply for public sector exams in agencies like UPSSC, defense agencies (CDS), SSC etc.
  • Opportunities in banking sector as probationary officers and agricultural field officers in SBI, NABARD, IBPS etc.

Contact Us

For any information or query, please contact at the given mail from Monday to Saturday during 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.:

College of Dairy Science, DUVASU


Locate Us

College of Dairy Science, U.P. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go-Anusandhan Sansthan (DUVASU), Mathura-281001.