March 29, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Directorate of Extension

Dr. Atul Saxena- Director Extension E-mail-




The Directorate of Extension is undertaking the responsibilities of Human resource development through skill up-gradation training programme and frontline demonstration on dairy,  sheep, goat and poultry production technology. It is also emphasizing on imparting refresher training to the technical personnel of state Animal Husbandry Department, Veterinary Officer and Livestock Extension Officers regarding latest information on modern diagnostic and innovative methods for disuse control and treatment and also to improve management and communication skill of the field works.


  • To develop knowledge, skill and managerial aspect of extension functionaries.
  • To develop capacity of the rural mass in certain economic activities in Animal Husbandry sustainable manner for boosting rural economy.
  • To transfer the lab to land technology to the farming community and solve their problems.
  • To develop liaison and co-ordinate with the other appropriate agencies for successful conduction of Extension work to the beneficiaries.



  • The establish linkage between extension and research workers with the field functionaries.
  • To co-ordinate various activities of the university with other developmental departments for increasing livestock and poultry production in the state.
  • To disseminate the latest information on Animal Husbandry practices based on various research findings to farming community and to solve the problems of the farmers.
  • Optimization of Animal Husbandry practices in enhancing socio-economic status of rural farmers.
  • To create self confidence among farmers for commercial farming as well as to becomes active participant of Animal Husbandry growth.
  • To create awareness in the farming community about the benefit of the modern methods of livestock and poultry farming for increased productivity through various extension bulletin, leaflets, folders and booklets etc.
  • To conduct training and demonstration on scientific management of livestock and poultry production for the benefit of the extension workers, progressive farmers, educated un-employed youth and rural masses.
  • To make the field veterinary competent enough to meet upcoming challenges in the field of animal health and disease management.
  • Integration of agricultural farming with that of animal Husbandry practices for sustainable development of rural farmers.



  • About six thousand animals were treated through Pashu Gyan Choupal Scheme under Animal welfare camp by specialist Doctor/Scientist at the door step of farmers.
  • Organization of Kisan Mela-2014-
    First time Directorate of Extension, DUVASU, Mathura along with U.P. Seed Grower Association successfully organized two days Pashudhan Evam Kisan Mela on dated 14-15 March, 2014 at the University ground. The theme of Kisan mela was “Managing Livestock & Agricultural Production in Context of Food Security”. The inaugural function of Kisan Mela-2014 was celebrated by the gracious presence of our chief guest Prof. R. B. Singh & chairmanship of our Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. A.C. Varshneya. There were about more than 1200 farmers of different states like U.P., Rajasthan & Madhya Pradesh visited and benifited during two days of Kisan Mela. Total 60 stall had been put by the different department of University/Pashu Palan Vibhag/Govt./Private/NGO etc during the event. The valedictory function of Kisan Mela-2014 was done in the presence of Chief Guest Dr. Dheeraj Singh (Director, National Musturd Research Centre, Bharatpur) and our Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. A.C. Varshneya.

Training Organized in the year 2013-14.

Sr. Title Duration No. of Participants Beneficiaries Remarks
1. Laghu Dairy Farming Prashichhan 21-25 January, 2014 27 Retired Army Personnel/ their close relative of Aligarh & Meerut District. Appreciated by the District Army Welfare & Rehabilitation Officer, Aligarh.
2. Pashupalan Evam Dairy Farming Prashichhan 24-28 February, 2014 35 Farmers of Bharatpur (Rajasthan) District. Appreciated by the Project Director, ATMA, Bharatpur .


Livestock owner/farmers are directly benefited by –

  • Direct linkage with specialist doctor/Scientist via Phone-In Programme of All India Radio & TV talk for animal husbandry practices.
  • Through Gosthi during animal welfare camps.
  • Through distribution of different literature related with animal husbandry practices to the animal owners/farmers in Hindi.
  • For the benefit of farming community/animal owners total 2 training manual, 4 Booklets, 37 folders and 35 leaflets were published from Directorate of Extension.