March 29, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Veterinary Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine


Department of  Veterinary Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine

Department of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine was established in 1991 and engaged in teaching, research and extension activities, which include teaching of 03 undergraduate courses, 14 post graduate courses and different PhD courses. Department also serves as main referral laboratory for the livestock health problems in Uttar Pradesh state. Special focus is provided to the epidemics, which spread fast and lead to severe economic losses due to heavy morbidity and/or mortality. Such epidemics are investigated and the diagnosis arrived along with necessary technical advice for corrective and preventive management of health problems in their respective areas are tendered to the Animal Health professionals of Animal Husbandry department, Uttar Pradesh. Research activities broadly include animal disease investigation and surveillance work on different animal diseases of economic importance. Extension activities are aimed at diagnostic and advisory services to farmers of Uttar Pradesh, microbiological testing of samples from field. The farmers and animal owners are also made aware of the economic impact of livestock diseases and how they can keep their livestock healthy and productive. Besides, farmers are interacted through providing information & posters distributed/displayed in Kissan fairs, Goshties and radio broadcasting.


UG Courses:

S. No

Course Title

Course No.

Credit (T+P)


1 Veterinary Epidemiology &
VPE-321 2+1
2 Veterinary Preventive Medicine-I
(Bacterial, Fungal& Rickettsial Diseases)
VMD-412 2+0
3 Veterinary Preventive Medicine-II
(Viral & Parasitic Diseases)
VMD-422 2+0

PG courses










1 Principles
of Epidemiology
VEP-601 2+0 PG
2 Applied
VEP-602 1+1 PG
3 Livestock
and Poultry disease investigation
VEP-603 0+2 PG
4 Veterinary
Clinical Epidemiology
VEP-604 1+1 PG
5 Biosecurity
practices in disease prevention
VEP-605 1+1 PG
6 Infectious
diseases of ruminants- I
VEP-606 2+1 PG
7 Infectious
diseases of ruminants- II
VEP-607 2+1 PG
8 Infectious
diseases of equines
VEP-608 1+1 PG
9 Infectious
diseases of canine and feline
VEP-609 2+1 PG
10 Infectious
diseases of poultry
VEP-610 2+1 PG
11 Infectious
diseases of animal species of regional importance
VEP-611 2+1 PG
12 Infectious
diseases of lab & zoo animals
VEP-612 1+0 PG
13 Master’s
VEP-691 1+0 PG
14 Master’s
VEP-699 1+0 PG
15 Data
collection, management and presentation
VEP-703 2+1 PhD
16 Emerging
and reemerging diseases
VEP-705 2+0 PhD
17 Advances
in prevention and control of infectious diseases of ruminants
VEP-708 2+1 PhD
18 Advances in prevention and control ofInfectious
diseases of equines
VEP-709 2+1 PhD

Research Projects (completed) in the department

  1. Impact of RB-51 vaccination in control of bovine brucellosis sponsoredby Uttar Pradesh Council of Agriculture Research (UPCAR).
  2. Development of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for specific detection of Mycoplasmaagalactiae and study of its molecular epidemiology in small ruminants under ICAR emeritus scientist scheme.
  3. Molecular Epidemiology of the Infectious Bovine Rhinotrachietis (IBR) Virus and development of quick diagnostic tool in ruminants funded by Uttar Pradesh Council of Agriculture Research (UPCAR).
  4. All India Coordinated Research Project on Epidemiological Studies on Foot and Mouth Diseases. – funded by ICAR.
  5. Recently ICAR has awarded the department centre of Excellence in Niche Area- “Research on Rural Livestock Production Augmentation through disease monitoring and health Intervention” under the plan scheme “Strengthening and Development of Agricultural Education” – funded by ICAR.
  6. “Studies on Campylobacter infection in dogs of Mathura, Uttar Pradesh” sponsored by University (DUVASU), Mathura.


Following facilities are available in the Department of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine

Diagnostic facilities for livestock diseases of regional importance such as brucellosis, colibacilosis, Johne’s disease and tuberculosis.


  • During outbreaks investigation, routine surveillance of FMD and animal health camps organized by the university under Pashu Gyan Chaupal Project rendered disease diagnosis services by providing guidance to animal owners on health covers, disease, diagnosis,
    vaccination schedules and biosecurity measures for prevention and control of diseases in animals to achieve better productivity in their livestock.
  • Providing remedial measures, technical know-how and educated animal owners and veterinary professionals / concerned personnel’s on disease management and control in livestock with emphasis on diagnosis, treatment, bio-security and vaccination strategies of important diseases in their animals, and awareness about the recent trends in diagnosis/control and emerging diseases through personal interactions.

Major Achievements:

  1. Ph.D thesis by Dr. S. V. Singh was awarded Jawaharlal Nehru Award by ICAR for best thesis in the year 1999.
  2. Prevalence of mycoplasma was recorded in small ruminants.
  3. Prevalence of pathogenic mycoplasma and Campylobacter recorded in the dogs.
  4. Prevalence of brucellosis, Infectious bovine rhinotrachitis, Bovine viral diarrhea virus, was recorded in cattle and buffaloes of Uttar Pradesh.
  5. Prevalence and phylogenetic analysis of Foot-and-mouth disease was recorded in the state.