March 29, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Veterinary Clinical Complex


Department of Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex: An advanced experiential learning centre

Kothari Veterinary Hospital, since its establishment in the year 1949, has not only been the mirror image of the clinical activities and services of Veterinary College to farmers and livestock owners, but also the major source of practical hands on training to veterinary graduate and post-graduate students. Kothari Veterinary Hospital has been addressing the animal health related problems of not only Mathura or adjoining areas of UP but Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh as well. Kothari Veterinary Hospital has been recently renovated by University with the financial assistance from ICAR and has been very well transformed to Special Experiential Learning Centre in an effort to guarantee learning opportunities to the undergraduate and postgraduate students through integration of basic knowledge and conceptual aspects with hands on training and practice in real life and instill greater confidence, competitiveness and competence to meet out the growing and emerging challenges to animal health. Very soon, this Centre is going to be elevated to the status of State Referral Experiential Learning Centre has the salient features like computer assisted teaching room, sterile supply section, diagnostic laboratory having blood chemistry analyzer and haematology analyzer, orthopedic and small animal operation room with the state of art facilities like 9” C-arm image intensifier, X-ray, diathermy, electro-surgery unit, minimally invasive surgery unit, multi-parameter monitor, operating microscope for ophthalmic and micro-surgery, large animal operation room, diagnostic imaging section having two ultra-sound machines, large animal shed, six individual consultation cabins, change room etc. After creation of these facilities, there has been substantial increase in the number of cases coming to this hospital.


Coming soon………


Coming soon………


Coming soon………


Coming soon………


Coming soon………