March 29, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Veterinary Pathology


Department of Veterinary Pathology

The Department of Pathology and Bacteriology was a combined subject which came into existence in the year 1948 in the main building of the college. In the year 1964 both the subjects were separated and were relocated in the western portion of the Pathology –Bacteriology block. It has fully equipped, modern laboratories for Clinical –Pathology, Histopathology, Museum, Seminar rooms for graduate and postgraduate students and histopathological laboratory, postmortem rooms for large animals, poultry and experimental animals.


Undergraduate: VCI curriculum of undergraduate.

Post graduate: Course work system has been introduced form the ensuing system. A total of 68 candidates have been completed the post graduate degree.

Doctorate: The department of Pathology has intensely worked on research problems on enterotoxaemia in goats, horn cancer and other neoplasm, urolithiasis, arterial disease, female reproductive disorders, calf mortality, pulmonary Jaagsiecte and Maedi, mortalitry , dropsy syndrome in buffalo, sheep and birds, fowl cholera in chicken, quails, duck, pigeons, parrots and turkeys.

  1. Major Research activities- Toxico- Pathology and Experimental Pathology
  1. Dropsy syndrome in Buffaloes, Sheep and birds.
  2. Heavy metal toxicity in animals and birds.
  3. Study on experimental fowl cholera in chicken, quail and turkeys.
  4. Molecular pathogenesis of enterotoxaemia in goats.

5- Appreciation award from PL-40 for excellent work done

on Jaagziekte and Maedi.

6- Gold medal and Vice- Chancellor medal for MVSc student-2014.

  1. Dr Rahul Kumar, Assistant Professor selected for ICAR international fellowship pursuing his PhD from USA.


The department is well equipped and offers some best quality facilities. We have a very nice undergraduate lab, Tissue processing lab, Histopathology lab, Clinical pathology laboratory for testing clinical samples of various body fluids, Post-mortem hall for laboratory animal, poultry and wild birds, Post-mortem facility for small and large animals wild animals and zoo animals, Classical museum with gross pathology specimens depicting gross lesions of diseases, Microscope with attached digital cameras of high resolution for displaying histopathological slides and with
microphotography facility for UG and PG students and Teaching Laboratory with Multimedia facilities for UG and PG students.

The important instrumental facilities available in the department include:

Semi-automated rotary microtome, Spectro-photometer, Binocular microscopes with high resolution photography unit, Water bath, Hot air oven, Binocular and monocular microscopes, Centrifuge machine, Deep freeze and Refrigerators.

Outside funded Research Projects: The department has completed following research projects:

  1. “Studies on Jaagziecte and Maedi (Pulmonary adenomatosis complex) in sheep and goats with special reference to their infectious vis-à-vis cancerous nature” financed by PL-480 funds.

  2. “Studies on Pneumonia in sheep and goats with special reference to virus and other filterable agents and its control in UP” financed by
  3. “Marek’s Disease (MD) in poultry with special reference to their epidemiology, etio-pathogenicity, diagnosis and control” financed by ICAR and state funds.
  4. “Jaagziecte and Maedi in sheep and goats with special reference to their epidemiology, etio-pathogenicity, diagnosis and control” financed by PL-480 funds and University funds.


Ongoing Project- Evaluation of antiviral, antibacterial and immunomodulant potential of ANIMUNIN (polyherbal formulation) funded by Indian Hebs, Chandigarh.

Important Research achievements:

  1. Incidence of lymphosarcoma in buffaloes.
  2. Marek’s disease in poultry.
  3. Avian respiratory chlamydiosis.
  4. Transmission of Maedi in host and experimental animals.
  5. Nephroblastoma in young calf.
  6. Dropsy syndrome in buffalo, sheep and poultry.
  7. Scientific research in healing and immunomodulatory properties od cow urine in rats.
  8. Report of Johne’s disease in 3 months old kids.
  9. TRP in cows, hepatocelullar carcinoma in duck.
  10. Indigenous Vaccine against Johne’s Disease in goats.

Extension: 1. Diagnosis of diseases during disease outbreak in and around Mathura and other district of Uttar Pradesh.

  1. Participating Kisan Mela organized by University.
  2. Diagnosis of diseases on the basis of post mortem of different animals and birds received from TVCC, Dairy farm and other places.

Thrust Areas of the Department:

  • To monitor the status of the disease in animals by post mortem examination.
  • Forecasting the impact of the disease prevailing in the areas.
  • Providing the disease investigation and its prevention and control to Livestock/Poultry.
  • Preservation of gross specimens of various diseases for education and awareness programmes.
  • Imparting teaching to undergraduate, post graduate students, research, training and extension.

Space availability- Sufficient space is available in the Department.  Department has separate well equipped labs for haematology, clinicopathology, immunopathology, pathomorphology and embalming facilities for preservation of dead-specimens and their organs of small animals and poultry have been developed.


Major equipments

  • Semi automatic Microtome
  • UV Spectrophotometer
  • Photographic Microscope
  • Autopsy table
  • Laminar Flow
  • Centrifuge
  • Hot Air Oven
  • Digital balance

Degree programme:

B.V.Sc.                             M.V.Sc.                               Ph.D.

No. of students passed out/completed

M.V.Sc. …68   Ph. D……10

Diagnostic Services

  1. Department is providing diagnostic services by performing post mortem of animals and histopathological examination of samples received from field/Department of TVCC/other departments, from other agencies etc. regularly.
  2. Department is providing diagnostic services by performing routine biopsy examination of samples received from Department of TVCC of the university.
  3. During disease outbreaks, department is proving diagnostic service by field investigation in collaboration with other department.
  4. Diagnosis, prevention and control of emerging/re-emerging infectious and non-infectious diseases/tumour conditions of different animals and poultry by
  5. Post-mortem examination
  6. Histopathological and Biopsy examination



Training organized with title, funding agency and nos. of participants-


Training organized


Funding agency

Number of participants

1. Department of Pathology on 20th February, 2010


Recent advancements on diagnosis of diseases in livestock and poultry ASCAD, GOI, U.P. Field Veterinarians including University staff and others- 150
2. Organized on 06-10th March, 2019 Histopathological interpretations of Toxicological studies in laboratory animals SRIRAM Institute of Research, New Delahi Researchers-02



Books One                                                     Manual:           Seven

Research Paper…215……                             Popular articles:           15

Paper presented in conferences:          115

Recognition/awards/honours: 1-Ram Raksha Kiran Shula Award

2-Best teacher Award

3- Best participant Award

4- Best Oral presentation award of ISVM


Other than the above mentioned activities the department is also involved actively in the following activities serving the livestock keeper, poultry farmers and pet owners;

  • Diagnostic pathology of poultry, small and large animals
    1. Necropsy
    2. Histopathology
    3. Clinical pathology
    4. Evaluation of histopathological slides
  • Maintenance of different gross pathological specimens of poultry and
    other domestic animals along with tumour specimens for educational
  • Teaching undergraduate students


The department has an outshining history which it has marked by doing exhaustive labour and par excellence
quality research. The department had reported some rarest findings in the field of veterinary science, naming some are like, Incidence of lymphosarcoma in buffaloes, Ultimobranchial lymphoid tumors in buffaloes, Acantamoeba in lungs of buffaloes, Underdeveloped and atrophied fallopian tube in poultry, Quail enteritis, Marek’s disease in poultry, Avian respiratory chlamydiosis, Transmission of Maedi in host and experimental animals, Nephroblastoma in young calf, Dropsy syndrome in buffalo, sheep and poultry, Scientific research in healing and immunomodulatory properties of cow urine in rats and Report of Johne’s disease in 3 months old kids etc.