March 29, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Veterinary Public Health


Department of Veterinary Public Health

The Department was established in the year 1988 and postgraduate programme was introduced from the year 1993. Since then 45 students have completed their M.V.Sc
and 3 students, Ph.D. degree from this department. Besides UG & PG teaching
programmes, department has mainly focused on research work on brucellosis. The  state govt. of U.P. had started the scheme for the investigation of infectious abortions in UP in 1956-57 and later on ICAR financed it partly as a non plan scheme since 1966. As a result of which, the incidence of brucellosis in organized farms of UP had declined up to 1-2% as compared to 20-30% in the previous years. The work had done on various organisms like Salmonella, E.coli, B. cereus and Clostridium spp. in the department. One Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR) funded research project is running on “Outreach Programme on Zoonotic Diseases  (OPZD)” on Verocytotoxic E.coli infection and Brucellosis. The important serovars isolated of Salmonella were S .typhimurium and S. gallinarum, S. Heidelberg and S. typhimurium and S. kissi and serogroups of VTEC revealed  were O26, O121, O157, O91, O9 etc.


  • Undergraduate: For the degree of B.V.Sc. & AH
  • Post graduate: For the degree of M.V.Sc. (4 semesters)
  • Doctorate: For the degree of Ph. D (6 semesters)


U.G. courses (B.V.Sc. & A.H) :

S. No. Name Course No.                   Credit Hours
1. Milk & Meat Hygiene, Food safety and public health VPE-311 2+1
2. Veterinary Epidemiology and Zoonoses VPE-321 2+1
3. Environment and Environmental Hygiene VPE-511 2+1


PG Courses (M.V.Sc):

S. No. Name Course No.                    Credit Hours
1. Elements of Vetrinary Public Health VPH-601 1+1
2. Bacterial and Rickettsial agents of public health significance VPH-602 2+1
3. Viral, Fungal & Parasitic agents of public health significance VPH-603 2+1
4. Zoonoses and Public Health VPH-604 2+1
5 Principles of food hygiene & safety VPH-605 2+1
6. Food borne infections & intoxications VPH-606 2+1
7. Meat & Milk Hygiene VPH-607 2+1
8. Environmental Pollution & Safety VPH-608 3+1
9. Fish, Fish products & sea food hygiene VPH-609 1+1
10 Bioterrorism and Disaster Management VPH-610 1+1


Ph.D. Courses :

S. No. Name Course No.                  Credit Hours
1. Current Topics in Veterinary Public Health VPH 701 2+1
2. Emerging and Re-Emerging Zoonoses VPH 702 2+1
3. Quality Control of Animal Food Products VPH 703 2+1
4. Occupational Health Hazards VPH 704 2+1
5 Disposal and Recycling of Waste VPH 705 2+1
6. Biohazards, Biosecurity and Disaster Management VPH 706 2+0
7. Food Plant Sanitation VPH 707 2+1
8. Advances in Environmental Pollution  Control VPH 708 2+1
9. Special Problem VPH 790 0+2


  • Diagnosis of Brucellosis in cattle, buffalo, sheep & goat maintained at organised and unorganised farms.
  • Detection of microbial load in environmental sources & foods of animal origin (milk, meat, fish and their products).
  • Since 2010,under All India Network Programme, a research project funded by ICAR is
    running in this department entitled “outreach programme on zoonotic diseases” (OPZD).
  • Under OPZD project, 32 genes (stx1, stx2, eaeA & hlyA, O157) was submitted to NCBI GenBank, and got accession no.
  • Phenotypic confirmation of ESBL resistance on VTEC strains by strip method: 79 VTEC strains from cattle, goats and environmental sources, 45 were found positive by strip test method (MBL+ESBL detection Ezy Mic strip-Hi-media).
  • Genotypic confirmation of ESBL genes in VTEC strains:- 79 VTEC were also screened through different ESBL genes namely TEM, SHV and CTX and found positive in 42 VTEC strains for overall ESBL genes with 16%.
  • 26 VTEC strains were submitted at ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar and NC- VTC, ICAR-NRCE, HISAR. 12 unique VTEC strains got accession nos.


  • Detection of food borne pathogens like coli, VTEC, SalmonellaStaphylococcus.
  • Bacteriological Quality analysis of milk through DMC, SPC, MBRT, MRT & Coliform test and Detection of Adulteration in milk for Starch & Urea.
  • Molecular detection for VTEC & Brucella through mPCR.
  • Antibiotic Sensitivity test.


  • Under Brucellosis scheme (started in 1956-57) the department was involved in investigation of infectious abortions (Brucellosis) in herds maintained by Govt. livestock farms of Utter Pradesh.
  • Now department is actively involved in the testing of sera samples obtained from different places including ILFC (DUVASU, Mathura), Gaushalas and unorganised farms of different districts of UttarPradesh.
  • Department is also engaged in Disease outbreak investigation of different animal captive areas of Uttar Pradesh, as per need .
  • Various tests are conducted for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of different pathogenic microbes from the animal origin as well as environmental sources.
  • Department is also engaged in extension activities including Awareness for general public, farmers and various occupational groups regarding various Zoonotic diseases, food safety aspects,environment hygiene etc. through various extension aids (seminars, kisan melas, radio talks, newspapers, popular articles, magazines, pamphlets, folders, leaflets etc.)


  • Number of the students awarded M.V.Sc. – 45
  • Number of the students awarded Ph.D. – 3
  • Number of research publications- Approx. 250
  • Number of Book published- 01
  • Submission of gene sequences of VTEC to GenBank, NCBI, USA.